Webflow for Beginners: A Complete Guide Step by Step

Get your no-code website off the ground with our easy Webflow guide for beginners – build and launch with simple, step-by-step instructions!
Written by
Robert Licau
Webflow, Tutorials
February 16, 2024
15 min
1. Add Elements
2. Navigator
3. Pages & SEO Settings

What is Webflow?

Hello, creators! As a web designer, I've found a game-changer for our craft: Webflow. This platform is a dream for anyone in web design, offering a way to build professional, visually stunning websites without needing to code.

Webflow brings together the ease of visual design tools with the capabilities of web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can simply drag and drop elements, style them as you wish, and watch your designs become live websites. It's perfect for any project, big or small, giving you total control from start to finish.

What sets Webflow apart is its all-in-one approach. Design, build, and host your site all from the same place, with robust features like a Content Management System (CMS) for easy updates and responsive design tools to ensure your site looks great on any screen.Webflow lets us, designers, turn our visions into reality, streamlining the web development process so we can focus on creativity and innovation. If you're aiming to create websites that stand out, without the complications of coding, Webflow is definitely worth a look.

Let's embark on this creative journey together with Webflow. The possibilities are limitless. Are you ready to start?

Webflow Building Process for a Custom Website Using Figma

As web designers, we often start our creative process in design tools like Figma, where we can experiment freely with layouts, colors, and typography. But the real magic happens when we bring these designs to life on the web. That’s where Webflow comes into play, especially for those of us who love designing in Figma.

From Figma to Webflow: The Seamless Transition

Imagine you’ve just completed a custom website design in Figma. It's a collection of your best ideas, meticulously arranged into a stunning layout. Now, you're faced with the task of turning this design into a fully functional website. With Webflow, this process is straightforward and efficient.

  1. Export Assets from Figma: Start by exporting your design assets—images, icons, and any other graphical elements. Webflow allows you to import these assets directly, ensuring your website visually matches your original design.
  2. Recreate the Layout in Webflow: Using Webflow's visual builder, you'll begin to reconstruct your Figma design. You can add sections, containers, and elements that correspond to your Figma layout. The drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to position elements exactly where you need them, while the style panel allows you to apply your colors, fonts, and other styles
  3. Responsive Design Adjustments: One of the beauties of Webflow is its responsive design tools. As you build, you can switch between device views (desktop, tablet, mobile) to adjust your layout and ensure your design looks great on any screen size.
  4. Add Interactions and Animations: To make your website not just look like your Figma design but also feel interactive, Webflow offers a range of animations and interactions. You can create hover effects, page transitions, and scroll animations without coding.
  5. Integrate Content Management: If your site needs a blog, portfolio, or any section with regularly updated content, Webflow’s CMS comes to the rescue. You can define your content structure, import content, and design dynamic templates that auto-populate with content from your CMS.
  6. Publish Your Site: Once your design is fully realized in Webflow, you’re just a click away from publishing. Webflow hosts your site, ensuring it’s fast, secure, and ready for the world to see.

Two Paths: Building a Website With Webflow vs. Without Webflow

As we wrap up, let’s consider the two paths of bringing a Figma design to life:

  1. With Webflow: The journey is streamlined. You have a direct path from design to launch, maintaining creative control without needing to code. The process is visual, intuitive, and all-encompassing, covering design, responsive adjustments, interactions, CMS, and hosting.
  2. Without Webflow: The alternative often involves handing off your design to a development team or diving into coding yourself. This path can lead to compromises on your original design vision, extended timelines, and the potential need for multiple tools to manage content and hosting.

As a web designer, Webflow empowers me to be the architect of my designs from concept to completion. It bridges the gap between visual design in Figma and the technical demands of web development, allowing us to create custom websites that are true to our vision, with efficiency and ease.

Webflow Designer: Your Creative Workspace

As a web designer, my journey with a project doesn’t end with ideation or design; it extends into bringing those designs to life. That’s where Webflow Designer steps in—a space where creativity meets execution. Let's walk through how to move from the Webflow Dashboard to the Webflow Designer and explore the myriad of functionalities it offers.

Navigating to Webflow Designer

Starting from the Webflow Dashboard, where all your projects live, moving to the Webflow Designer is just a click away. Find the project you’re working on and click on it. You’re immediately taken to the Webflow Designer interface, a powerful and visual space designed for building websites. Here, every tool and panel is geared towards transforming your ideas into a fully functional and interactive website.

Embracing the Power of Webflow Designer

The Webflow Designer is rich with functionalities that cater to every aspect of web design and development. Let’s dive into the essentials and what they mean for us as designers:

View of Webflow Designer

1. Add Elements

Add Elements - view of all elements available in Webflow Designer

"Add Elements" in Webflow Designer acts as your digital construction kit, filled with all the building blocks needed for crafting a website. It streamlines the web design process, making it accessible and efficient.

How to Access:

Simply click the "+" icon or hit "A" on your keyboard within the Designer. This reveals a palette of elements, from basic text to sophisticated interactive features.Key Features: This intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets you place elements exactly where you need them. Customize on the fly, bringing your design vision to life with precision and speed.

Example Use Case:

Imagine piecing together a landing page. You start by dragging sections, text, and buttons into place, tweaking each component to seamlessly fit into your overall design. This method is not only quick but also enables immediate visual feedback, ensuring every element aligns with your creative intent.

2. Navigator

Video of Navigator

The Navigator in Webflow Designer is a game-changer for web designers keen on efficiently organizing their website's structure. It serves as your project's visual guide, detailing the hierarchy of elements in an intuitive, tree-like layout. This tool is crucial for maintaining an orderly design flow and ensuring every part of your site is logically connected.

How to Access:

Find the Navigator by clicking the compass icon on Webflow Designer's left sidebar or pressing "Z." This action reveals a structured panel of your page's elements, mirroring their HTML arrangement.

Key Features:

  1. Visual Hierarchy: It clearly displays the nesting of elements, simplifying the understanding of your design's structure.
  2. Quick Selection: Simply click any element within the Navigator to select it on your canvas, streamlining the process of making specific adjustments.
  3. Organize with Ease: Rearrange your site's elements with drag-and-drop functionality, directly influencing their on-page positioning and relationship to one another.

Example Use Case:

Let's say you're piecing together a homepage with multiple sections. The Navigator allows you to oversee how these sections stack up, from the top banner to the bottom footer. Want to reposition a testimonials section above the features? Dragging it above within the Navigator instantly updates its place, demonstrating the tool's direct impact on your site's layout.

3. Pages & SEO Settings

Pages & SEO Settings

"Pages & SEO Settings" in Webflow Designer are essential for anyone looking to craft and refine a website’s structure and its visibility online. This duo makes it straightforward to add, categorize, and ensure each page is optimized for search engines.

How to Access:

Tap the page icon or hit "P" on the left toolbar to reveal your project's page list. This spot is your command center for page management and SEO optimization.

Key Features:

  1. Instant Page Addition: Adding new pages is a breeze, allowing you to start with a blank canvas for each addition.
  2. Page Cloning: Duplicate existing pages to keep a uniform style across your site, saving you time on layout creation.
  3. Organize with Ease: Manage your site’s structure by renaming, deleting, or rearranging pages, ensuring easy navigation for your visitors.
  4. SEO Ready: Directly adjust SEO settings for each page, including metadata and descriptions, to boost your site’s search engine ranking.


You're designing a boutique’s website. First, you craft an inviting homepage that outlines the boutique's unique value proposition. Then, using "Pages," you add a detailed "About Us" page, a "Products" page with the boutique's collection, and a "Contact" page. For efficiency, you replicate the initial page layout across these new pages, tweaking each to fit its content. Meanwhile, you fine-tune the SEO settings for each page, ensuring they're primed to climb the search engine ranks. This streamlined approach not only organizes your content effectively but also sets a solid foundation for your site's online presence.

4. Style

Style - view showing all basic options for styling

The "Style" panel in Webflow Designer is a powerhouse for bringing designs to life, blending aesthetics with functionality seamlessly. It stands at the core of Webflow’s interface, enabling designers to shape the look of their websites directly, without delving into code.

How to Access:

Simply select any element on your design canvas and click the paintbrush icon on the right-hand toolbar. This action unveils a plethora of styling options at your fingertips.

Key Features:

  1. Layout Adjustments: Easily position and align elements with controls for layout settings such as display, float, and position.
  2. Sizing & Spacing: Precisely manage the dimensions of elements and the spacing around them for a polished layout.
  3. Typography Tools: Refine your text with options for fonts, sizes, weights, and spacing, ensuring readability and style.
  4. Borders & Effects: Elevate your design with borders and shadows, adding depth and distinction to your elements.
  5. Color & Background: Apply colors, gradients, and images to backgrounds, crafting visually compelling elements.
  6. Responsive Tweaks: Tailor your styles to fit various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience across all devices.

Example Use Case:

You’re tasked with designing a promotional section featuring a headline, descriptive text, and a button. First, you set a striking background color and adjust the section’s padding for optimal spacing. Next, you choose a dynamic font for the headline, tweak the text for clarity, and color the button for standout appeal, rounding off its edges for a modern look. You then finalize your design by adding a subtle shadow to the button, giving it depth. The "Style" panel not only allows for real-time adjustments but also ensures each element perfectly captures your design intent.

5. Element Settings

Element Settings

The "Element Settings" panel in Webflow Designer is where the technical magic happens, fine-tuning the functionality and optimization of your website. This essential tool adjusts settings for elements and pages, affecting SEO, user access, and more, to boost your site's performance and accessibility.

How to Access:

Click the gear icon next to the "Style" panel after selecting an element or page. This opens up a wealth of settings specific to your selection, from single elements to overarching page configurations.

Key Features:

  1. Element Adjustments: Tailor settings for individual elements, including link configurations, form inputs, and image descriptions, which are key for both SEO and user accessibility.
  2. Page Optimizations: Modify titles, descriptions, and meta tags for pages to enhance search engine visibility. Set eye-catching thumbnails for social sharing to increase clicks.
  3. SEO Tools: Directly within this panel, fine-tune your site's SEO by managing tags, optimizing keywords, and more, elevating your online presence.
  4. Advanced Customizations: Implement custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for specialized functionality or to integrate third-party features, expanding your site's capabilities.

Example Use Case:

You're putting the final touches on a blog post page. After styling, you dive into "Settings" to optimize the page. You craft a compelling SEO title and description, peppered with key phrases. For each image, you input descriptive alt text, boosting SEO and making content accessible. To enrich functionality, you embed a custom comment system via HTML. Each action in the "Settings" panel ensures your page is not only visually appealing but also primed for both search engines and user engagement.

6. Interactions

Interactions - here you can make your own animations

Interactions in Webflow Designer are key for adding life to your web designs, enabling you to craft sites that respond and adapt to user behavior. With these tools, static pages become engaging stories that guide and entertain your audience.

How to Access:

Find the Interactions panel by clicking the lightning bolt icon or pressing "H" on the right-hand toolbar. This is where you can bring elements to life with animations and effects.

Key Features:

  1. User Triggers: Create elements that respond to actions like hovering, clicking, or scrolling, making your site more interactive and intuitive.
  2. Scroll Effects: Implement animations that play as users scroll, perfect for drawing attention to specific content or creating a narrative flow.
  3. Timed Sequences: Add animations with delays or set timings, introducing elements with style or revealing content at just the right moment.
  4. Diverse Animations: Choose from a range of effects, whether you’re looking for subtle transitions or dramatic entrances, to make each interaction unique.
  5. Efficiency with Symbols: Save your interactions as reusable symbols, ensuring consistency across pages and speeding up your design process

Example Use Case:

You're tasked with creating a dynamic homepage for a tech startup. You utilize Interactions to unveil the main product image with a sleek, scaling effect as users start scrolling, immediately capturing their attention. Icons for key features gain life through hover effects, subtly expanding and changing hues to invite exploration. And to seal the deal, the main call-to-action button pulses gently after a brief moment, guiding users towards taking the next step. These interactions enrich the user journey, making the page not just seen, but experienced.

7. Assets

Assets - view of assets library

The "Assets" panel in Webflow Designer is your one-stop shop for handling images, videos, and other media files in your projects. It simplifies adding, organizing, and using media, making your website design process smoother and more efficient.

How to Access:

Click the image icon on the left-hand toolbar or press "A" to open the Assets Manager. Here, all your media files are at your fingertips, ready to be added to your project.

Key Features:

  1. Effortless Uploads: Easily upload multiple files at once, saving valuable time when populating your site with media.
  2. Simple Organization: Use categories and tags to keep your assets tidy, making it quick to find exactly what you need when you need it.
  3. Optimized Images: Webflow automatically adjusts image sizes for different devices, ensuring your site loads fast and looks great everywhere.
  4. Universal Access: After uploading, use your assets anywhere on your site. This means less hassle and consistent visuals across all pages.
  5. Drag-and-Drop: Add assets to your pages directly from the manager, streamlining how you incorporate visuals into your design.

Example Use Case:

You're putting together a digital art gallery. In the "Assets" panel, you bulk upload your art pieces, which Webflow optimizes for online viewing. Organizing the artwork by series, you then easily drag and drop each piece onto its respective page. For the gallery's landing page, you choose an eye-catching piece as the background for the hero section. The process is quick, ensuring your art is displayed beautifully and cohesively throughout the site.

8. Breakpoints

Breakpoints - Desktop view / Tablet view / Mobile landscape view / Mobile portrait view

Breakpoints in Webflow Designer are key to making your website look and work great on any device, from big desktop screens to tablets and phones. They let you tweak your design so it responds well no matter the screen size.

How to Access:

Find the device icons at the top of Webflow's interface. These icons stand for different screen sizes. Click them to see and adjust how your design looks on various devices, customizing each view to perfection.

Key Features:

  1. Ready-Made Breakpoints: Webflow provides standard breakpoints for common device sizes, making sure your site automatically adjusts to fit screens right out of the box.
  2. Custom Options: Add your own breakpoints to target specific devices or screen widths, giving you full control over your site’s responsiveness.
  3. Style Flexibility: Change fonts, spacing, and layout for each breakpoint, ensuring your design remains consistent and intuitive on any screen.
  4. Control Visibility: Decide which elements appear on which devices, optimizing user experience by showing only what’s necessary.
  5. Smooth Transitions: Styles you set for larger screens apply to smaller ones too, letting you fine-tune for mobile without redoing your whole design.

Example Use Case:

You're crafting a promotional page featuring a striking hero image, a bold headline, and a clear call-to-action. While the desktop version is spot-on, you switch to tablet and mobile views via breakpoints to adjust. You scale down the hero image for tablets and replace it with a smaller, mobile-friendly version on phones, stacking the headline and button for a clean, scrollable experience. These tweaks ensure your page communicates effectively, no matter the device.

9. Components


Components in Webflow Designer are like building blocks you can reuse throughout your site, perfect for keeping your design consistent and streamlining your workflow. This feature is great for elements you'll use often, such as navigation bars, footers, and buttons.

How to Access:

Open the "Add" panel by hitting the "+" icon on the left toolbar or pressing "A". Here, you'll find the Components section, filled with ready-to-use and custom components you've crafted.

Key Features:

  1. Reuse with Ease: Set up components once and place them across any page, maintaining a uniform look and feel site-wide.
  2. Craft Your Own: Tailor custom components to fit your unique design needs, from specialized buttons to themed sections.
  3. Effortless Updates: Modify a component, and see those changes reflected everywhere it’s used, thanks to the magic of symbols.
  4. Flexible Overrides: Adjust specific details like text or images in any instance of a component without altering the original or affecting other instances.
  5. Ready-Made Library: Dive into Webflow’s collection of pre-designed components for quick integration into your projects.

Example Use Case:

You're working on a portfolio site and design a sleek, branded navigation bar as a component. This nav bar is set to feature on every page for easy site navigation. After placing this component across your site, you decide to tweak its color scheme. With just a few clicks, you update the component, and like clockwork, every page reflects this change instantly, showcasing the power of components in maintaining a cohesive design effortlessly.

10. Toggle Preview

Toggle Preview - you can use that to see the website preview mode

"Toggle Preview" in Webflow Designer lets you instantly check how your site looks and behaves live, right from the editor. It's crucial for fine-tuning your site's interactivity and ensuring it responds as expected across all devices before it goes public.

How to Access:

Click the eye icon at the top or press "Shift + P" to switch from the design editor to preview mode. This lets you experience your site from a user's perspective, with no design tools in the way.

Key Features:

  1. Live Testing: Interact with your site in real-time, checking if animations, links, and interactions perform correctly.
  2. Responsive Check: Use it alongside breakpoints to ensure your design adjusts smoothly across different screen sizes.
  3. Efficiency Boost: Flip between design and preview quickly to iterate on your design without delays, seeing changes live as you make them.
  4. Skip Early Publishing: Validate your site's look and functionality without having to publish, keeping your launch timeline in your control.

Example Use Case:

You're polishing a dynamic landing page with hover effects and a scroll-triggered navigation bar. With Toggle Preview, you test these features live, noticing the hover effect is barely noticeable on smartphones. Without leaving the editor, you refine the effect's intensity and preview again, confirming your tweaks hit the mark, ensuring your site's ready for launch without premature publishing.

11. Publish Site

Publish Site - you can publish your site on staging or production

"Publish Site" in Webflow Designer is how you take your site live, moving from concept to a publicly accessible website. This step is where your project gets shared globally, making it a critical phase in web design.

How to Access:

Find the publish button, marked by a cloud icon with an arrow, at the top right of Webflow Designer. Clicking this offers options to either test your site on a staging domain or go live on your chosen domain.

Key Features:

  1. Staging for Testing: Use Webflow's webflow.io domain to test your site live without showing it to the world yet.
  2. Go Live with Your Domain: Connect your custom domain and hit publish to introduce your site to the internet.
  3. Update What You Choose: Select to publish everything or just specific pages, allowing for targeted updates.
  4. Quick Changes Go Live: Any adjustments you make can be published instantly, ensuring your site always has the latest updates.

Example Use Case:

You've revamped your portfolio site and are inching towards launch. First, you push it to the staging domain, sharing this version with friends for a final look-over. With their feedback in hand, you tweak a few elements and then, feeling confident, connect your custom domain. A click on the "Publish Site" button, and your site is now live, showcasing your work to the world. This process, from staging to live, underscores the power and simplicity of bringing your digital vision to life with Webflow.

12. Designing vs. Editing View

Designing vs. Editing View

Webflow Designer simplifies web creation with two distinct modes: Designing View and Editing View. These modes support different phases of building a website, blending visual design with content management for a smooth workflow.

How to Access:

Toggle between Designing and Editing View directly in the Webflow interface. Start in Designing View to shape your site's look and interactions, then switch to Editing View for text and image updates, accessible via an Editor button or a shared URL for collaborators.

Key Features - Designing View:

  1. Offers complete creative control over layout, styles, and dynamic interactions.
  2. Includes comprehensive tools for design, from adding elements to styling and setting interactions.

Key Features - Editing View:

  1. Provides a user-friendly interface for updating content without impacting design or layout.
  2. Ideal for clients or content managers to make updates directly, supporting efficient site maintenance.
  3. Shows content changes in real-time, ensuring updates fit seamlessly within the design.

Example Use Case:

You've just wrapped up a website design for a boutique. With the design polished in Designing View, you switch to Editing View to hand off to the boutique's team. They now have the freedom to update their blog, add new product details, and tweak images to keep their content fresh, all without touching the underlying design. This approach keeps the site's aesthetic intact while empowering the client to maintain their content, striking a perfect balance between design integrity and content dynamism.

13. Share Site

Share Site

"Share Site" in Webflow Designer is a handy feature for collaborating and gathering feedback on your website project. It lets you share a sneak peek of your site with team members, clients, or stakeholders before it officially goes live, ensuring it hits all the right notes.

How to Access:

Find this option in the project settings under "Share" or "Project Settings." Here, you'll generate a unique, shareable link to your project for others to view.

Key Features:

  1. Unique URL: Create a link that offers a read-only glimpse into your project, perfect for soliciting feedback without risking unintended edits.
  2. Secure Sharing: Add a password to your link for an extra layer of security, keeping your project accessible only to those you choose.
  3. Stay Updated: The link automatically updates to reflect your latest changes, so reviewers always see the most current version of your site.
  4. Gather Feedback: Use the shareable link as a conduit for feedback, allowing stakeholders to provide their thoughts and suggestions via their preferred communication channels.

Example Use Case:

You're nearing completion on a sleek, new website for a boutique. Before finalizing, you send out the project's shareable link to the boutique's team for one last review. They're able to view the latest iteration of the site, provide valuable feedback, and request minor tweaks—all without directly accessing the Webflow Designer. This streamlined process enables you to refine the site to perfection, ensuring it's precisely what the client envisioned before it goes live.

14. Changes Saved

Changes Saved - automatically saves your work

"Changes Saved" in Webflow Designer is a vital feature that automatically saves your work, giving you a safety net as you design. It's like having a constant backup, ensuring no effort is lost and your workflow stays smooth.

How to Access:

There's no need to manually access this feature. Just keep an eye on the top of your Webflow interface for the "Changes Saved" notification, which confirms your work is being automatically saved as you go.

Key Features:

  1. Automatic Saving: Your changes are saved instantly and automatically, freeing you from the worry of losing work.
  2. Immediate Confirmation: The "Changes Saved" message acts as a quick signal that your latest edits are secure.
  3. Version Backup: Beyond instant saves, Webflow keeps a history of your changes, allowing you to backtrack if needed.

Example Use Case:

While deep into designing a client's website, you're experimenting with different layouts and styles. The "Changes Saved" notification consistently reassures you that each adjustment is recorded. Suddenly, a power outage turns off your computer. When power returns and you're back in Webflow, you find all your recent tweaks preserved, exactly as you left them. This reliability lets you continue your creative process without missing a beat, confident that Webflow's got your back.



"Comments" in Webflow Designer is a collaborative feature that enhances communication by allowing feedback to be given directly on the design. It's perfect for team projects, client input, and ensuring everyone's on the same page regarding design decisions.

How to Access:

Switch to Editor mode from Designer view, then click the speech bubble icon on the toolbar. This activates comment mode, where you can add or review feedback.

Key Features:

  1. Targeted Feedback: Leave comments on specific design elements, clarifying exactly what and where you're referring to.
  2. Team Collaboration: Enables seamless interaction between designers, clients, and team members, centralizing feedback within the project.
  3. Notifications: Get alerted when there are new comments, keeping the conversation flowing and responsive.
  4. Organized Discussions: Threaded replies keep feedback discussions neat and understandable, directly tied to relevant design aspects.

Example Use Case:

You're finalizing a project and share it with your client for final feedback. They suggest adjusting the call-to-action button's color for better visibility. The comment appears right on the button, making the feedback clear. You discuss options in a threaded conversation, settling on a new color. After making adjustments in the Designer view, you reply to the comment, noting the update. This process ensures feedback is precise, discussions are easy to follow, and changes are implemented efficiently, all within Webflow's ecosystem.

16. Variables


"Variables" in Webflow Designer let you efficiently manage and apply consistent styles or content across your project. While Webflow doesn’t have a direct "Variables" feature like in programming, you can use Global Classes and CMS Collections to achieve a similar effect, saving time and ensuring uniformity.

How to Access:

Webflow's approach involves using Global Classes for styling and CMS Collections for content management. These tools are accessed through the style manager and the CMS tab, respectively.

Key Features:

  1. Global Classes: Create a class for common styles such as colors or fonts, and apply it across multiple elements. Update the class to change every instance site-wide.
  2. CMS Collections: Use CMS Collections to manage repeating content. Update once in the collection, and see changes everywhere it’s used.

Example Use Case:

You're developing a website with a consistent theme, using a specific blue as your brand color across buttons and headers. You define this color in a Global Class named .brand-blue. When the branding updates to a new shade of blue, simply update .brand-blue, and all associated elements reflect this change immediately.

For a recurring promotional banner, you input the text and image into a CMS Collection named "Promotions." When it's time for a new campaign, updating this collection automatically refreshes the content across your site, ensuring your promotions are always up-to-date with minimal effort. This method streamlines your workflow, making site-wide updates quick and painless.

17. Style Selectors

Style Selectors

Style Selectors in Webflow Designer are essential for applying consistent styles across your website. They make it easy to manage how elements look and behave, ensuring your site maintains a unified aesthetic.

How to Access:

Simply select an element in your project, and the "Style" panel activates, showing you the selectors available for that element. Here, you can modify existing styles or create new ones as needed.

Key Features:

  1. Class Selectors: Define common styles, like fonts or colors, to apply across various elements, keeping your site's look consistent.
  2. ID Selectors: Use these for unique element styling, perfect for one-time design needs.
  3. Combo Classes: Enhance an element's style by adding a combo class for more specific adjustments without altering the base class across other elements.
  4. Pseudo-Classes/States: Style elements for different user interactions (hover, focus) to improve the site's interactivity.
  5. Global Styling: Apply styles globally using the "Body" tag, setting site-wide defaults like fonts and background colors.

Example Use Case:

You're building a content-rich site and decide all primary headings should share a uniform style. By creating a .main-heading class, you apply this style to all relevant headings, ensuring consistency. When you need a heading to have a unique color in a specific section, you simply add a combo class, like .main-heading.special, to modify its appearance without affecting all headings.

Additionally, to make interactive elements like buttons stand out, you apply a hover state using pseudo-classes, which changes the button's color as users hover over them. This single change applies across all buttons, enhancing usability and maintaining a cohesive design with minimal effort.

18. CMS Collections

CMS Collections

CMS Collections in Webflow Designer are a game-changer for managing and presenting dynamic content like blog posts, product listings, and news articles on your website. They allow you to organize content that needs regular updates in a streamlined and consistent manner.

How to Access:

Click on the database icon in the left-hand sidebar to dive into the CMS Collections. This is where you can craft new collections, fine-tune existing ones, and populate them with your content.

Key Features:

  1. Structured Content: Set up fields for different types of content, ensuring uniformity across your site's articles or listings.
  2. Site-wide Use: Deploy content from collections anywhere on your site, automating updates and maintaining visual consistency with collection lists or pages.
  3. Tailored Templates: Design unique templates for each collection type, automatically styling new content entries to match your site's aesthetic.
  4. Enhanced SEO and Accessibility: Easily incorporate SEO best practices and accessibility features into your collections, improving your site's reach and usability.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Utilize Webflow's API for collections to connect external data sources or automate content publishing.

Example Use Case:

You're tasked with creating an online platform for a culinary magazine. You establish a CMS Collection titled "Recipes" with detailed fields for ingredients, cooking times, and chef notes. Each new recipe added fills these fields, automatically populating into a sleek, pre-designed template that aligns with the magazine’s branding.

For the magazine's homepage, you showcase the latest recipes using a dynamic list that pulls directly from the "Recipes" collection, ensuring the content is always fresh and engaging. This method not only streamlines content management but also enriches the user experience with up-to-date, consistent, and accessible content.

19. Logic


Webflow's "Logic" feature revolutionizes how we create dynamic and interactive websites, eliminating the need for complex coding. It offers a straightforward way to automate workflows, adjust content visibility, and tailor user interactions without diving into traditional programming.

How to Access:

Find "Logic" within your project settings or look for the dedicated section in the Webflow interface, marked by a "Logic" label. This area is your control room for setting up and managing automated interactions and behaviors.

Key Features:

  1. User-Driven Triggers: Craft reactions to specific user actions, such as clicks or form submissions, setting off designated workflows.
  2. Adaptive Content Visibility: Make elements appear or disappear based on set conditions, making your site more interactive and personalized.
  3. Workflow Automation: Streamline processes like email notifications post-form submission or content updates, seamlessly integrating with external APIs for broader capabilities.
  4. Interactive Feedback: Implement immediate responses to user interactions, providing visual confirmation or messages based on their actions.

Example Use Case:

You're building an online bookstore. With Logic, you create a system where visitors see personalized book recommendations based on their browsing history. If someone frequently checks out mystery novels, a specially tailored offer for the latest thriller appears on their next visit. Additionally, for users abandoning their cart, an automated email nudges them to complete their purchase, possibly offering a small discount as an incentive. These Logic-based automations enrich the shopping experience, encouraging engagement and potentially increasing sales, all seamlessly integrated into the Webflow environment.

20. Users


The "Users" feature in Webflow Designer simplifies team collaboration and project management. It lets you control who has access to your project, making it easier to work together on website design and content.

How to Access:

Go to your project dashboard, click on "Settings" or "Team," and find the section for managing users. Here, you can invite new collaborators and adjust permissions for existing ones.

Key Features:

  1. Custom Permissions: Assign specific roles to team members, clients, or collaborators, defining what they can see and do within the project. This helps maintain project integrity and ensures everyone has the right access level.
  2. Easy Invites: Add new users to your project with just their email address, streamlining the process of growing your team or bringing clients into the loop.
  3. Access Management: Keep your project secure and organized by monitoring who has access, making adjustments as necessary to permissions, or removing users when needed.
  4. Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitate direct feedback and teamwork within Webflow, thanks to a system designed for efficient, role-based collaboration.

Example Use Case:

You're developing a complex site for a retail brand, involving designers for the layout, copywriters for content, and the marketing team for overall strategy. You invite each stakeholder to the project, assigning roles that fit their contribution—designers get full design privileges, copywriters have content editing capabilities, and the marketing team can review and suggest changes. This setup not only ensures smooth progress and clear communication but also keeps the project aligned with the brand's vision, all within Webflow's collaborative environment.

21. Ecommerce


Ecommerce in Webflow Designer offers everything you need to create and run an online store within a single platform. It merges product setup, shopping cart customization, and order tracking in an easy-to-use interface, making it perfect for designers and business owners alike.

How to Access:

Click the shopping cart icon on the left-hand toolbar to dive into the Ecommerce section. This is your gateway to adding products, setting up categories, and more.

Key Features:

  1. Manage Products: Easily add, describe, and categorize your offerings, complete with images and pricing.
  2. Personalize Shopping Experience: Tailor the cart and checkout process to fit your brand, ensuring a smooth customer journey.
  3. Secure Payments: Integrate with major payment gateways to process transactions safely and directly from your site.
  4. Stay on Top of Orders: Keep track of sales and inventory right from the dashboard, ensuring your store runs smoothly.
  5. Automate Product Display: Generate product pages automatically, presenting your items consistently and attractively.

Example Use Case:

You're setting up an online store for handmade ceramics. After inputting your product range into Webflow, each piece gets its dedicated page, thanks to automatic page creation. You then customize the cart to match your artistic brand, ensuring a cohesive aesthetic from browsing to checkout. As orders flow in, you easily monitor stock levels and manage sales, all from Webflow’s dashboard, streamlining the operational side of your business while focusing on your craft.

22. Apps

Apps - view of the apps available in Webflow

Apps in Webflow Designer let you supercharge your website with functionalities that go beyond Webflow's built-in features. From adding analytics to integrating marketing tools, apps expand what you can do with your site, tailoring it to your unique needs.

How to Access:

Head to the Integrations or Marketplace area in your Webflow dashboard. This is where you can discover and add third-party applications that work seamlessly with your Webflow site.

Key Features:

  1. Diverse Integrations: Pick from a wide array of apps, whether you need SEO enhancements, analytics insights, CRM functionalities, or more.
  2. Simple Installation: Setting up most apps is a breeze, typically involving just a few clicks or copying a code snippet into your project.
  3. Tailor to Your Needs: Adjust app settings to fit your site's requirements, ensuring every tool contributes effectively to your goals.
  4. Expand Your Site's Capabilities: Introduce new site features like advanced form builders, popup notifications, or e-commerce solutions, enriching user experience and functionaliy.

Example Use Case:

You're crafting an online platform for a boutique gym. To boost engagement, you integrate a booking system app for class reservations, Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic, and a chatbot for instant customer inquiries. Each app is carefully chosen to enhance the website's operation, providing valuable services to visitors and giving the gym owners insights and tools to manage their online presence efficiently. This strategic use of apps turns a standard website into a comprehensive digital hub for the gym's community.

23. Website Settings

Website Settings

Website Settings in Webflow Designer are streamlined to focus on specific aspects of your site's configuration, making it straightforward to manage key functionalities.

How to Access:

In your Webflow dashboard, select your project and click on the "Settings" tab. This area will present you with a selection of settings you can manage.

Key Features:

  1. Search: Fine-tune the search functionality within your site, optimizing how users can find content.
  2. Interface: Customize the interface settings to enhance your and your team's user experience while working on the project.
  3. Backups: Maintain and manage backups of your site, which is critical for data security and recovery.
  4. Localization: Set up language preferences and localization settings to ensure your site resonates with your target audience, wherever they are.

Example Use Case:

As you prepare to launch your online store, you adjust the Interface settings to streamline the backend experience for your team. You ensure that Backups are configured to keep your site's data safe. For your global audience, you set up Localization to cater to various languages, making your store accessible worldwide. By optimizing these settings, you make your website more user-friendly and secure, giving you the confidence to go live.

24. Audits


Audits in Webflow Designer are essential for ensuring your website not only looks good but also performs well on search engines and is accessible to all users. This feature scans your site to identify areas that can be optimized for better performance, SEO, and accessibility.

How to Access:

Go to your project dashboard and find the "Audits" section, usually located in the site settings or under a specific tab labeled "Audits." Here, Webflow automatically reviews your site, pointing out what can be improved.

Key Features:

  1. Performance Checks: Analyze your site's speed and get suggestions to make pages load faster, such as optimizing images or streamlining code.
  2. SEO Tips: Improve your site's search engine ranking with tailored advice on meta tags, keyword usage, and structure.
  3. Accessibility Recommendations: Ensure your site is user-friendly for everyone by addressing accessibility issues highlighted by the audit.
  4. Web Best Practices: Learn about industry standards for secure, efficient websites and how to implement them on your site.
  5. Concrete Steps for Improvement: Receive clear, actionable steps to address each identified issue, making it easy to enhance your site's overall quality.

Example Use Case:

After finishing a portfolio site, you use the Audits feature to fine-tune it before going public. The audit reveals that several high-resolution images are slowing down your homepage. You compress these images without losing quality and re-upload them. The audit also points out missing alt texts on some images, which you quickly add, improving SEO and making your site more accessible. Following the audit’s advice, you adjust your site’s caching settings for better performance. A final re-audit shows marked improvements in speed, accessibility, and SEO readiness, ensuring your site is in top shape for its debut.

25. Find


The "Find" feature in Webflow Designer is a crucial search tool for quickly pinpointing elements, styles, or settings in your project. It's ideal for swiftly navigating through complex sites, saving both time and effort in the design workflow.

How to Access:

Activate "Find" by using a shortcut, typically "Ctrl + F" or "Cmd + F" for Mac users, or by clicking a search icon within the Webflow interface. Enter your search terms to scan your entire project for relevant matches.

Key Features:

  1. Element Search: Easily locate specific elements by name, type, or class, streamlining the selection process.
  2. Style Search: Identify where certain styles, like specific colors or fonts, are applied across your project.
  3. Settings Search: Quickly access various project settings or tools by their names.
  4. Comprehensive Search: Extend your search to encompass every page and element within your project, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Example Use Case:

You're updating the brand color scheme on a site that uses multiple shades of blue. To ensure a unified look, you need to switch all instances of the old blue (#336699) to a new shade. With the "Find" feature, you search for the old color code, instantly locating every element that uses it. This allows you to systematically update each element with the new color code (#3399CC), ensuring consistency throughout the site without manually combing through each page. This efficient process helps maintain a cohesive design system across your entire website.

26. Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials in Webflow Designer are a treasure trove of learning, packed with guides that walk you through the ins and outs of using Webflow. Perfect for both newbies and seasoned pros, these tutorials demystify everything from the basics to the nitty-gritty of advanced features.

How to Access:

Head over to Webflow University online or find the tutorials section in your Webflow dashboard. This platform is well-organized, making it easy to find the tutorial you need with just a few clicks.

Key Features:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Dive into a wide array of topics such as site layout, making your site responsive, using the CMS, setting up an online store, optimizing for search engines, and much more.
  2. Clear, Step-by-Step Instructions: Follow along with detailed walkthroughs and practical demonstrations that show exactly how to apply what you’re learning to your own Webflow projects.
  3. Always Up-to-Date: The tutorials keep pace with Webflow’s latest updates, ensuring you're learning the most current practices and tools.
  4. Learn from the Experts: Get tips and strategies directly from those who know Webflow best, helping you to enhance your design and development skills.

Example Use Case:

You're gearing up to build a responsive portfolio site and want to ensure it showcases your work effectively across all devices. Turning to Webflow University, you explore a series focused on responsive design. Through these tutorials, you learn to master layouts using Flexbox and Grid, and how to apply breakpoints for optimal viewing on tablets, phones, and desktops.

Applying these techniques to your project, you're able to construct a portfolio that adjusts beautifully to any screen size, ensuring your work is presented in the best light possible. The tutorials guide you every step of the way, making complex concepts understandable and actionable.

27. Help


The "Help" feature in Webflow Designer is your go-to resource for support, offering a direct line to documentation, community advice, and personalized assistance. Whether you're stuck on a design challenge or need technical help, this feature ensures you're never left in the dark.

How to Access:

Look for the question mark icon or the "Help" menu within the Webflow interface, available in the dashboard or the designer interface's corner. A click here opens up a world of resources tailored to your needs.

Key Features:

  1. In-depth Documentation: Dive into comprehensive guides that cover everything from the basics of setting up to mastering advanced Webflow features.
  2. Community Support: Join discussions in the Webflow forums, a place to seek advice, share insights, and get answers from both peers and Webflow experts.
  3. Personalized Assistance: Reach out directly to Webflow's support team via email or ticket for those issues that require a more tailored approach.
  4. Instant Answers: For quick help, live chat (where available) provides real-time support to navigate through any sticking points.
  5. Learn and Grow: Beyond immediate help, find links to Webflow University for an extensive range of tutorials and courses that can enhance your skills.

Example Use Case:

You're finalizing an online portfolio and hit a snag with an interactive gallery feature. Turning to the "Help" feature, you quickly locate a tutorial in Webflow University that walks you through similar gallery setups. Still, you have a question about tailoring it to your specific needs. A visit to the community forums and a posted question yields several helpful responses, including a workaround suggested by a Webflow expert. Armed with this advice, you adjust your gallery, and it works flawlessly, demonstrating how Webflow's support ecosystem effectively bridges the gap from problem to solution.

Start Building: Your First Webflow Project

Embarking on your first Webflow project is an exciting step. After getting familiar with the basics, you're now ready to put your skills into action and bring your creative vision to life.

Taking the First Step:

Begin by sketching a rough layout of your site. It doesn't have to be perfect; the goal is to map out your ideas. Next, open Webflow and start a new project. Use the blank canvas as your playground to experiment with what you've learned.

Essentials to Remember:

  1. Structure Is Key: Lay out the basic structure using boxes and divs to represent different sections of your site. Think of them as the foundation of your design.
  2. Style with Purpose: Apply styles thoughtfully. Choose colors and fonts that reflect the brand or purpose of the site. Remember, simplicity often leads to a more powerful impact.
  3. Content Matters: Populate your site with engaging content. Use placeholder text and images initially if you need to, but aim to replace them with original content as soon as possible.
  4. Responsive Design: Make sure your site looks good on any device. Use Webflow’s breakpoints to adjust the design for different screen sizes.
  5. Preview and Test: Use the Toggle Preview feature to test your site’s functionality. Ensure links work, forms submit, and the site is navigable.

Launching Your Site:

Once you're satisfied with the design, it’s time to go live. Double-check your settings, ensure SEO details are in place, and if you're ready, hit the 'Publish' button.

After Going Live:

Monitor your site’s performance. Use feedback tools and analytics to understand user behavior and make adjustments as needed. Remember, a website is never truly finished—it evolves with its audience.

Starting your first Webflow project is just the beginning of a journey. With every project, you'll learn and grow. Embrace the process, and watch as your digital creations take shape and reach the world.

Webflow: Pros and Cons

Webflow has reshaped the landscape of web design, but like any tool, it comes with its highs and lows. Here's a straightforward look at the pros and cons from a seasoned designer's viewpoint.


  1. Visual Design Freedom: Webflow's visual editor allows designers to build websites with the finesse of coding, without actually writing any code. It's a canvas for creativity.
  2. Responsive Control: Adjusting your design for different devices is incredibly intuitive with Webflow. The platform’s breakpoints make responsive design more accessible than ever.
  3. Integrated CMS: Webflow includes a CMS that is as design-friendly as it is for content managers, making dynamic content easy to handle and beautifully present.
  4. Hosting and Security: Webflow takes care of hosting and security, offering a one-stop-shop solution that eases the technical burdens.


  1. Learning Curve: For beginners, Webflow's wide array of features can be overwhelming. It takes time to master, more so for those less tech-savvy.
  2. Pricing Model: While Webflow offers a free tier, advanced features and hosting plans can get pricey, especially for multiple sites or high-traffic needs.
  3. Limited Integrations: Although Webflow supports many integrations, there may be specific third-party tools or advanced functionalities that it doesn't accommodate natively.
  4. Exporting Restrictions: If you decide to move your site away from Webflow, you may find that fully exporting your site is not as straightforward, particularly when it comes to CMS content and site functionality.


Webflow is a powerhouse for web design, offering a blend of design freedom, responsive capabilities, and all-in-one hosting. But it's not without its challenges, particularly when it comes to cost and the learning curve for new users. Weighing these pros and cons will help determine if Webflow is the right fit for your next project.

Understanding Webflow Pricing

Webflow offers a variety of pricing plans to fit different needs, from hobby projects to large-scale enterprises. Here's a brief overview to help you navigate their pricing structure.

Site plans - General and Ecommerce

Plan Tiers:

Webflow's pricing is divided into two main categories: Site Plans and Account Plans.

  1. Site Plans are perfect if you're focusing on a single project. They come in tiers suitable for basic sites to advanced ecommerce platforms. These plans handle hosting and use Webflow's domain or your custom one.
  2. Account Plans cater to designers who manage multiple projects. Starting from a free tier, they scale up to provide more unhosted projects, team collaboration features, and enhanced support.
Workspace plans - For in-house teams and For Freelancers & agencies

Cost Considerations:

  1. Free Tier: Get started without any cost with basic features, perfect for learning and small personal projects.
  2. Monthly vs. Annual: Opting for annual billing can save you some money compared to month-to-month payments.
  3. Ecommerce Additions: If you're building an online store, expect to pay more for ecommerce features that support business transactions.

What's Included:

  1. Hosting: Reliable, fast, and includes SSL certificates.
  2. Backups: Automatic backups and versioning come standard.
  3. Support: Varies by plan, with priority support available at higher tiers.

Webflow’s pricing is flexible, designed to scale with your needs. Whether you're just starting out or running a design agency, there's a plan for you. Keep in mind, the more advanced your needs, the higher the plan you should consider. Always weigh the cost against the features provided to ensure it aligns with your project's scope and budget.

Webflow FAQ: Quick Answers to Common Questions

Q: Can I use Webflow for free?

A: Yes, Webflow offers a free tier that allows you to design and publish to a webflow.io subdomain, with some limitations on features and pages.

Q: Do I need to know how to code to use Webflow?

A: Not at all. Webflow is designed for visual development, allowing you to build a website without writing code. However, knowing HTML/CSS can enhance your ability to use Webflow to its fullest.

Q: Can I host my Webflow site elsewhere?

A: Yes, you can export your code and host it elsewhere for static sites, but CMS functionality and other server-side features will only work on Webflow's hosting.

Q: Is Webflow good for SEO?

A: Absolutely. Webflow has built-in SEO tools that allow you to optimize your site fully. You can edit meta tags, alt text, and more to help improve your search engine rankings.

Q: Can I create an online store with Webflow?

A: Yes, Webflow has ecommerce plans that provide all the tools you need to create and manage an online store, from product listings to checkout and payment processing.

Q: What kind of support does Webflow offer?

A: Webflow provides support through various channels, including an extensive online knowledge base, community forums, email support, and for higher-tier plans, priority support.

Q: Can I collaborate with others on a Webflow project?

A: Definitely. Webflow allows for team collaboration. You can work together on a project and even set different permission levels for team members.

Q: How does Webflow handle site backups?

A: Webflow automatically creates backups as you design, which you can restore at any point. It's a safeguard against losing your work.

Remember, Webflow is a robust platform that caters to a wide range of web design and development needs. It's constantly evolving, with a strong community and support system to help you along the way.

Expand Your Skills at Webflow University

After getting your feet wet with your first projects and understanding the basics, there's always more to learn. Webflow University is an incredible resource to deepen your knowledge and keep your skills sharp.

Why Visit Webflow University?

Webflow University is a comprehensive online learning platform filled with free educational content designed to help you become a Webflow expert, regardless of your starting skill level.

Webflow University Site

What Can You Learn There?

  1. In-depth Tutorials: From beginner guides to advanced techniques, there's a tutorial for every aspect of Webflow.
  2. Interactive Courses: Engage with structured courses that take you step-by-step through entire processes.
  3. Best Practices: Learn the dos and don'ts of web design to create sites that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and performant.

How to Get Started

Simply visit Webflow University and browse through the extensive library of lessons and tutorials. Whether you have a specific question or want to explore a new topic like animations or integrations, it's all there, well-organized and waiting for you.

Continued Learning

The field of web design is always evolving, and Webflow University is a resource that evolves with it. Regular updates and new content ensure you're always in the loop with the latest web design trends and features.

So, take your Webflow expertise to the next level—dive into Webflow University and explore all that you can achieve with this dynamic platform.

Robert Licau
Founder of Buy.Design - World-Class UX/UI and Webflow/Framer Development for Web3, Crypto, Tech, Finance, and AI Brands.

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